Some people don't understand why I carry my camera with me just about everywhere I go, but I'm worried that if I don't have my camera, that will be the time an elephant riding a unicycle will go by and I'll miss it. I sometimes go on personal photowalks around the neighborhood. On one of my photowalks, I ran across a rare sight in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia: an elephant in the wild, and I have the photo to prove it.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elephant in the Wild
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
An outside view of the church from this weekend's wedding. To see a sneak preview of the couple go to Worley Arts Blog

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Quiet, he's hunting rabbit

Friday, May 22, 2009
Self Portrait

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This is the first in the Assignments form Readers posts that I will be doing. Debbie had the idea of "Joy". This picture reminds me of the joy Kathryn had when I recently taught her how to play chess. She was especially excited when she captured my queen, I was the black chess pieces and that is my queen sitting closest to the camera off the board. I better watch out or she will be teaching me how to win games before long.
Thank you Debbie for the idea. I have about five more assignments already some are more difficult than others, but I will get through them, so keep them coming.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Fun Fund Raising
Now is the time. Our Sunday school teacher, who is also an associate pastor at our church, asked us if we would be interest in going on the Botswana trip. At first we said maybe and kind of shrugged it off, but after Jamie and I prayed about it, we knew it was what God wanted us to do. This trip is to help married couples in Botswana. We will be assisting Denise and David Glenn with a "Freedom for Mothers/Freedom for Fathers" conference. And you know I will be taking photographs to document the trip.
In order to go we have to raise some money. Don't worry I'm not going to hit you up for a donation, at least not yet. But if you just feel led to donate I'm not going to stop you either; there is even a nice little airplane at the bottom of the blog that you can click on to donate.
This post is more about a cool fund raising event that we are doing on June 5th 2009. We're having a Dinner, Dancing and Auction for Missions. There will be a great pot luck dinner. After all what kind of Baptist Church would it be if we didn't have a pot luck dinner ever now and then? There will be dance lessons, taught by Jamie and me (yes, just one of the many other things we have in our box of tricks). And there will be an auction of stuff and services from members of our Sunday school class. That is why it is called "the night of Dinner, Dancing and Auction for Mission" (we're more creative with what we are auctioning than in coming up with a name for it). So if you are in the Atlanta area and would like to come just leave me a comment and I'll get you more information.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
New Blog Idea
I would like a little help from my blog readers out there. Call it class participation without the awkward looks from the others in class, maybe that was just me in school. I would like for you to give me photography assignment ideas to work on during the week and post them when completed. I will try to do at least one a week but that would depend on how tough y'all make it on me. It can be a simple as one word or as complex as a scene that you have in your head. Remember I have a budget, which is very low, so don't go too elaborate on me.
To help with using more words part of blogging, I will try to write more about the photographs that are going to be posted here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Remembering a Great Man
Today was the memorial service for Jamie's Grandfather, Cullen Sykes. I had the honor of being a pallbearer and getting the chance to know him. He was 91 when he left us to be with the Lord. This man loved the Lord and placed Him first in his life. It was very interesting to learn a few of the things he had done in his life.
He served in WWII in the Army Air Corp a division of the Army before the Air Force was established. He also served in the Navy Reserves for about five years after WWII. He worked for Lockheed for thirty years and invented a lift for the C-130, that is very impressive to me.
The Reverend asked him about five days before he left us if he had any regrets, after thinking about it a while he said that his only regret was that he did become a Christian sooner in life. Now that is an awesome answer, and shows that as a Christian, we want to spend as much time with our Lord as we can.
At the funeral home there was singing, stories told and a short sermon to give people a chance to accept Jesus as their personal savior. There is not much more that a Christian could ask for at the memorial service in honor of his life here on earth.
At the graveside service there was more singing, a Military flag ceremony with the playing of taps, and a Masonic ceremony.
Mr. Sykes last wish was "Just Love Me". Believe me, after watching the memorial today, there is not doubt that this great man of God was loved.
Check out Jamie's blog to see old photos of the family.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mothers Day 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009
#366 - Honeysuckles
It has been one year since I started Photograph a Day post. I'm working on a new idea now. I'll keep you posted as it comes along, don't worry I'll still be posting photographs they just might not be everyday. I might even need the help and input from you, my blog readers.