The next day Kathryn and I went on a little nature walk and saw many things, one was a rat snake. She did a good job of not running from it or screaming and scaring it off, so we had a good chance to watch its behavior. The snake moved to the side of the trail, curled around, and raised up a bit then used its tail to vibrate the leaves around it to sound like a rattlesnake. It was awesome to see the reaction from the rat snake, mimicking a snake that is known to be poisonous to help protect itself from predators; God is awesome.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The next day Kathryn and I went on a little nature walk and saw many things, one was a rat snake. She did a good job of not running from it or screaming and scaring it off, so we had a good chance to watch its behavior. The snake moved to the side of the trail, curled around, and raised up a bit then used its tail to vibrate the leaves around it to sound like a rattlesnake. It was awesome to see the reaction from the rat snake, mimicking a snake that is known to be poisonous to help protect itself from predators; God is awesome.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The State of Being

Friday, April 18, 2008
I saw this flower growing up through the sidewalk and thought it looked all alone in a concrete garden. A quote by Thomas Jefferson said, “One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more”. The truth is that no one is ever alone, God is always there. It can be difficult to realize at times, but he is there. In the bad times, it may appear that he is far away and the “how could this happen to me” mentality may come to mind. On the flipside when times are good, there could be a “look at what I did” attitude on life, which pushes God to the side. This is why I try to pray constantly, by communicating with God throughout the day, it helps me to remember that God is always with me. When Thomas Jefferson made the above quote I wonder if the reflects more part of it was because there were fewer distractions and we could listen more clearly to God’s will.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Generation Gap
I thought this picture was very cute and just had to put it on my blog. I took it while we were on our way back from grandma’s house. The fun part was trying to get her to stick her thumb out like she was trying to hitch a ride. She had no idea what hitchhiking was, and I’m very glad of that. I started thinking about how many things that I saw as a kid that our children never even heard of. That is one of the reasons I think it’s awesome to spend time talking with the older generation. Every generation has things in their life that the next one never even knew existed.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008
While mowing the yard the yesterday I noticed these weeds with pretty little blossoms on them and thought if they were in a different place it would not be considered weeds. It’s funny how the location of something can change how it's viewed. There is a point in life when weeds have to be controlled, and not just in the yard. The hard part is knowing what things are weeds and what are flowers. Trust in God and follow his guidance even if what was once thought to be a flower is actually a pesky weed in God’s plan for us. Allow him to do the weeding in our lives.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Garden Art

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Water Drop

Friday, April 4, 2008
Twelve Notes

Thursday, April 3, 2008
What is Artology?