This is the seal from a client's invitation. It's great, they are getting married in Neptune Beach, FL and have a seahorse wax seal on the invitation envelopes.
Lacy wanted to see what all the excitement is about inside these black boxes that we call cameras. Do you think we should make her the official mascot of Worley Arts?
A recreation of Norman Rockwell's "Girl at Mirror". Thank you Kathryn for being my model for this one. To see the original click here. I just love doing recreations and it's great to have a family that is willing to model for them.
Manual: page 131 "Shooting Options: ISO Sensitivity"
Jamie and I love to dance, every though we have not been in a while. We still love it and have been known to dance around the living room from time to time. Here is a shot of our dancing shoes.
Photography Tip: Less is more. Make sure the subject is what the viewer will focus on. Try to crop out anything that is not of interest or needed to tell the story in the photo.
Photography Tip: Shoot in manual mode. Yes, you will get some photos that may be all black or some that are very white. But if you learn from those photos you will be the better for it.
Welcome to Ken’s Place, the personal blog of an Atlanta based wedding photographer that is one half of Worley Arts. This blog was started as a place to post a photograph a day. I did post a photograph a day for a year, now I post whatever comes to mind or what my readers suggest. Thank you for stopping by.